“...An ambitious and often unsettling novel about children of entitlement who find themselves plunged into the maelstrom of Vietnam and the 1960s. It is suspenseful, intricately plotted, and panoramic in its evocation of period...puts me in mind of Hardy's "Return of the Native"  and Monteverdi's "The Return of Ulysses" ...Cinematic attention to texture, fabric, fashion, and pop music...Early on, I found myself thinking this novel might be easily realized as a movie...Nebuchadnezzar is one novel I read with pleasure

- Alan Weinblatt, Scholar and Political Writer

“...Plays out the dramatic turmoil of  social, sexual, and ideological change of the 1960s actually happened...specifically, a brother and sister, recently orphaned and inheritors of the family estate. It's all here, drugs, incest, free love, hawk vs. dove, all the stuff of the era, often interspersed with documentary information on progress of the war and other current events from the omniscient narrator...This quietly ambitious novel is in the tradition of Eliot's "The Mill on the Floss" in which the very casualness of the drama, considerable conflict seething in the casualness expresses how real lives get lived. This was, and is, very much the meaning of the confusion of Vietnam. The sexuality in this novel is disturbing, and I mean that in praise rather than prudishness. The central irony of the modern psychology is in the loneliness that wells up into painful evidence at the moments of intimacy...Contemporary readers will like this book for its insightful and passionate view... The novel is masterful and assured

- Kit Hathaway, American Poet

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